A Heartfelt Vision
The Heartfelt
project is
a simple, yet profound initiative, that seems destined to find a special
place in the 21stcentury global culture now forming.
The tradition
of wearing Heartfelt Crests
in memory of loved ones first began in Toronto, Canada, September, 1997.
Artist, Ritchie
Sinclair and inventor, Garth Cole,
were compelled to conceive and manufacture the first heartfelt crests in
response to the compassionate impact that they witnessed sweep the world
when humanitarian, Diana, Princess of Wales, tragically died. Furthering
the impact was the loss a few days later of the great humanitarian, Mother
Theresa. The global community's response seemed to evoke a common chord
of compassion.
This chord
found personal expression
in Toronto through the Heartfelt Remembrance Crests which were freely distributed
by the tens of thousands at church memorial services, City Halls, Skydome,
schools, and other venues, throughout the Greater Toronto area, during
September of 1997.
Only a year
later, when the tragic plane crash of September 4, 1998 claimed
many innocent lives, Heartfelt Crests were taken by the Prime Minister
of Canada's party to memorial services held with family and friends
of the victims.
In order to
give due recognition and expression to this emerging "humanity"
the Heartfelt Remembrance Crests were inspirationally created.
Heartfelt Remembrance
Crests are "one inch by one inch" red, felt hearts; thus "heart-felt".
They are worn in a similar fashion to November's, "Remembrance Day" poppies, and for somewhat similar reasons, though they differ from one another in the scope of their "remembrance".
Those who wear
a Heartfelt Crest bear a responsibility to exemplify the humane
qualities reflected by those remembered, and to reflect on the collective
loss to humanity itself that their absence represents.
It is a call
to individually rise up to the challenge to be better people, endeavouring
to fill the void to "humanity" created when we lost those so remembered.
When worn the
"Heartfelt Crest"
sends a powerful, yet subtle message to the wearer. It is a personal exposure
to the community of the heartfelt spirit glowing within the individual
who wears this symbol in reverence, reflection and recognition.
The Heartfelt
Spirit is human, humane and humanitarian.
The Heartfelt
is this spirit expressed.